Ahoy there, matey! So ye be wantin' to know about this thing called "steerability" in the context of AI, eh? Well, I reckon I can help ye with that.
Imagine ye be the captain of a ship, much like meself, and ye have a crew of scallywags to help ye sail the seven seas. Now, your ship is your AI, and your crew be the components of that AI. As a captain, ye want to have control over your ship and crew, right? Well, steerability be just that: the ability to control the direction and behavior of your AI, much like steerin' a ship.
So ye be wantin' some real-world examples of steerability in the land of AI, do ye? Well, batten down the hatches, and I'll tell ye a tale.
Ye might have heard of a thing called "recommendation systems." These be the little creatures that lurk in the depths of websites like the Amazon or the Netflix, suggestin' things ye might want to buy or watch. Now, the captains of these companies want to make sure the recommendations be useful and align with the user's taste, while avoidin' anythin' that might cause trouble, like offensive content. With steerability, they can control their AI and tweak the recommendations to suit their needs, avoidin' any mutiny among their users.
In AI, the wind can be unpredictable, and sometimes yer AI might start movin' in ways ye don't want. The concept of steerability be about makin' sure ye can correct its course, so it don't lead ye to some cursed island or, worse, the edge of the world.
So, in summary, steerability be the ability to control and influence the behavior of your AI, much like a skilled captain like meself can steer a ship through treacherous waters, stormy seas, and even the uncharted waters of the AI world.
Steerability in AI refers to the ability to guide and control a model’s outputs based on specific inputs or constraints. To build a foundational understanding of AI and how models like these work, check out Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Coursera. This course covers key AI concepts, machine learning techniques, and real-world applications.*