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What is ChatGPT's Advanced Voice Mode?

OpenAI's Real-Time Voice Mode, as it's also called, will change how we interact with AI chatbots.

June 24, 2024

ChatGPT Advanced Voice Mode, also known as Real-Time Voice Mode, is a cutting-edge feature designed to enable seamless verbal interactions between users and the AI. Unlike previous versions that relied on the Whisper system for transcribing audio to text and back, this new mode uses the Omni model, which allows for real-time voice recognition and response generation without the need for text-based intermediary steps.

The Omni model is a sophisticated system that processes spoken language directly, generating responses and delivering them in a natural, human-like voice. This technology improves the speed and fluidity of interactions, making conversations feel more immediate and responsive.

Generative AI assistants are transforming how we interact with technology. If you’re curious to learn more about how voice-based AI systems function, check out the Generative AI Assistants Specialization on Coursera. This course will guide you through the development and implementation of generative AI technologies, including voice-enabled assistants*.

ChatGPT Advanced Voice Mode aims to make AI interactions more natural and accessible, providing a more human-like experience that enhances user engagement and usability.

(As of August 2024, ChatGPT Advanced Voice Mode is still awaiting beta release. See ChatGPT's new voice mode Alpha is silently approaching, and OpenAI's Voice Chat FAQ.)