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What do we mean by Superalignment?

May 20, 2024

Superalignment is a concept within artificial intelligence (AI) research focused on ensuring that superintelligent AI systems - those significantly smarter than humans - act in ways that are beneficial and safe for humanity. OpenAI introduced this initiative in July 2023, aiming to address the critical technical challenges of aligning these advanced AI systems with human values and intentions.

The Superalignment team at OpenAI, initially led by Jan Leike and Ilya Sutskever, sought to solve these issues within four years. The team was comprised of scientists and engineers from both OpenAI and external organizations, collaborating on safety research and distributing grants to foster a broader understanding of AI alignment.

Despite its promising start, the team faced significant resource constraints and internal conflicts, leading to the resignation of key members like Leike and Sutskever in May 2024. These challenges highlighted the difficulty of maintaining a focus on safety amidst the rapid development and commercialization of AI technologies.

Superalignment remains a crucial field of study, emphasizing that the safe and ethical development of AI systems must persist beyond the tenures of individuals or the immediate priorities of any single company. The work done in this area lays the groundwork for a future where superintelligent AI can coexist with humanity in a safe and controlled manner.